About Us
Community Involvement
An important advantage of a hometown, independent bank like CNB of Texas is that it is committed to investing back into the communities it serves. That reinvestment is not only in mortgage, business or personal loans, it also means a strong dedication to volunteerism by employees and building a better lifestyle through strong community involvement.
Putting money and resources back into community and goodwill programs and having the backbone to stand up for what is best for our communities, is a trademark of CNB of Texas.
CNB donates $1,000.00 to the Friends of the Weatherford Library.
CNB Donates $50,000 to Navarro College
Red Oak Police Explorers Donation
CNB Donates $25,000 to the Ennis ISD Education Foundation
CNB Donates $12,000 to Optimist Fields
Midlothian Chamber Golf Tournament
Ennis Autum Days
United Way of West Ellis County Donation
Ennis Parade of Lights
CNB Employees Voted Best Service Provider